The abdomen is the part of the body that stores the most fat. But
there are simple solutions in our diet to lose belly quickly.
A belly a little too round, love handles annoying ... Men and women
tend to store fat on the abdomen. Result, clothes that sulk and curves that one
would like to erase. To lose belly quickly and regain the line, making the
right nutritional choices is essential. What are the best slimming foods?
Finished belly swollen
To lose belly quickly, the solution is not necessarily to lose
weight. Sometimes the abdomen is simply swollen due to lack of proper diet.
Soft drinks, excess air, constipation, food fermentation, but also stress and
sitting position promote bloating and heaviness. To overcome it, a few simple
gestures often suffice: eat quietly and gently for at least 20 minutes, do not
talk while chewing. But it is also the diet that helps to lose belly quickly.
For example, combining naturally occurring fibers in fruits and vegetables with
alkaline foods limits irritation of the stomach and therefore bloating. Another
tip, eat cooked vegetables for better digestion.
The war of the beads
A rich and sweet diet promotes the accumulation of fat around the
waist and the appearance of unsightly beads. To eliminate them, limiting fast
and refined sugars is the best solution. Also pay attention to the bad fats
present in cooked dishes or in butter. Prepare to cook with olive oil and
margarine to avoid weight gain. These new eating habits coupled with regular
physical activity and some bodybuilding exercises (mild abdominals, Pilates
...) are the key to losing belly quickly and sustainably.
Four Foods to Lose Belly Quickly
Certain foods particularly favor the loss of centimeters around the
belly. They are part of a varied and balanced diet.
The pear is a fruit rich in water, sorbitol and fiber that helps
digestion and transit.
Root with strong flavors, ginger replaces the salt in all dishes to
stop the retention of water while promoting digestion.
The apple is the unavoidable food of all slimming diets. The fibers
play on the transit and the fruit acts as an appetite suppressant.
With a water content of more than 92%, asparagus is a diuretic
vegetable, which promotes the transit. Be careful not to consume it with a
sauce too caloric.
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