A fast and free diet to lose 4 pounds in 4 days, this is a challenge that seems surreal. But, more than one has already pointed out and demonstrated that reaching such an objective is well within the reach of all. Main weapon: the Natman regime .
Also known as the stewardess regime , this slimming program surprises by its results, it allows to lose weight quickly with an average of 3 kilos to 5 kilos.
So, do you need to refine your silhouette effectively and without experiencing your patience? If your answer is yes then this detailed guide is your gift.
Discover through this detailed guide if this fast and effective diet is also made for you.
Natman diet: the benefits that make it a fast, easy, and effective diet.
Benefits and Positives (+) of the Natman Diet
Each diet has its own goal. For its part, the Natman diet is a fast program that promises to quickly lose 4 pounds in just 4 days. This is an idea which never ceases to surprise more than one, men and women confused. However, in the right direction. Indeed, achieving to lose as much weight in record time seems unimaginable. Yet, this type of diet does not cheat: studies and surveys show that losing as much and quickly is very much feasible. Many expert nutritionists endorse its authenticity and effectiveness.
Besides the only promise that it makes to you, the Natman diet is easy and free, but it is also unique for other reasons.
Why It's a Quick Diet to Lose Weight Without Being Hungry
Little more, there are plenty. By following this slimming program, you are not subject to any restrictions on the amount of food to be ingested. Thus, the possible frustration you may feel is the least compared to other programs. Even if you consume protein exclusively, you eat as much as you like during main meals and, in addition, this food mode lasts only 4 days. Admittedly, as it is based on a protein diet on the one hand and a low-calorie diet on the other, you will be deprived of lipids, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, nevertheless, for a short time. Thus, the risks of deficiency that it generates are practically nil. By including dietary supplements in your program, your health is then preserved in an optimal way.
The slimming program to adopt during your 4 days diet Natman
This fast diet includes 3 meals a day, in order to lose weight quickly and you must respect this rule during the 4 days, also note that the slimming menu of breakfast is the same throughout the period of this free diet.
On the first day: this program proposes to take a cup of tea or coffee, without sugar and half a grapefruit every morning. The first day, for your lunch, your menu consists of a grilled steak, a tomato salad, lettuce and an apple for dessert. At dinner, eat one dish of green beans and two hard boiled eggs and the other half of your grapefruit dessert.
The second day: your slimming menu is the following. Lunch: Grilled steak with lettuce and a large glass of tomato juice. At dinner: the choice is offered between a dish of green beans, cauliflower or zucchini. You have applesauce without sugar for dessert.
The third day: you are at half of your diet period, your slimming menu is composed as follows. At lunch: a grilled steak accompanied by a salad of celery and lettuce, then an apple for dessert. At dinner, grate grilled chicken with tomatoes in parboiled. In addition, you are entitled to a large glass of prune juice.
The fourth day: the last day of your diet has arrived. At noon, eat a dish of green beans, two hard-boiled eggs and treat yourself to a tomato juice. In the evening, take a grilled steak with a portion of lettuce, accompanied by a pineapple juice, always without sugar.
Food and behavior prohibited during the 4 days: it is absolutely forbidden during the entire Natman diet to consume dairy products, yogurts, creams desserts, fats, margarines, butter. It is also forbidden to drink alcohol. And in order to properly carry out your diet do not do sports and avoid snacking between meals (more tips at the end of the guide to succeed your diet)
Menu to follow during the stabilization phase after a Natman diet
When the 4 days of your Natman diet slimming program have passed, here is a type of program to apply in order to minimize a yoyo effect . In fact this is a kind of Natman stabilization phase during which your body gradually learns to accommodate other foods and where your weight and so stabilized in order to be maintained in the long run. During a period of 7 days, you adopt a diet low calorie and you can take snacks in addition to the 3 usual meals.
Here, for men as well as women, the choice is offered between daily diets of 1200 kcal, 1500 kcal or 1800 kcal per day. The first ration is particularly recommended for women. It will then be substituted by the second when your feeling of hunger increases. The men then begin by adopting the menu of 1500 kcal and then follow the 1800 kcal menu as soon as their hunger sensation increases.
The menu type of the 1200 kcal diet (Natman diet stabilization): At breakfast, take a tea, a herbal tea or a coffee without sugar, then a yoghurt without fat and a slice of bread topped with margarine. A fruit is allowed. Come on time for your snack: take 100 g of white cheese, accompanied by a cup of tea, herbal tea or sugar-free coffee. At the noon menu, you have 150 g of red cabbage with vinaigrette, 150 g of salmon in papillote, 150 g of green beans, 100 g of white cheese and a fruit. For a snack, take a yoghurt without fat accompanied by a cup of tea, herbal tea or coffee without sugar. At dinner, you have 1 bowl of vegetable soup, a slice of bread, 150 g of salmon in papillote, then 200 g of broccoli with margarine and a fruit. (Click here to see the 1200 calorie menus in detail )
The menu type of the 1500 kcal diet: The breakfast is the same as that of the 1200 kcal menu. For your first snack, grab a fruit. At lunch, you have the same meal as the previous menu, plus 100 g of steamed potatoes. Your snack and dinner are the same as those offered in the previous menu type. ( find here all the details on the 1500 calorie diet )
The 1800 kcal diet menu: The recommended meal types are as follows. At breakfast, take the same thing proposed in the menu of 1200 kcal. Treat yourself to a slice of bread. Your two snacks and your lunch are the same as those on the 1500 kcal menu. As for your dinner, it is composed of the same meal as that of the menu of 1200 kcal, accompanied in addition to 100 g of mashed potatoes and a piece of light cheese.
If its advantages are safe, what about the disadvantages it reserves?
The disadvantages and negatives (-) of the Natman diet
The Natman diet, like all rapid diets slimming has some negative points. First, because it is a drastic program based on an exceptional principle, it is essential to respect the rules. Then, when the period of your slimming diet is complete, you are not immune to a yoyo effect, from the moment your body is subjected to a new diet. However, the duration of this program is so short that such risks are also reduced, so be sure to read the Natman Stabilization Guide and how to avoid the yoyo effect.
In order to prolong the effects of your fasting, you just have to impose some new daily habits. For example, practice a sport that helps you keep the line. The sport is preferably excluded for the duration of your diet. Then, a sensation of fatigue, digestive disorders or even disorders of the intestinal transit can appear when you follow this program slimming. But, once again, dietary supplements will prevent deficiencies.
The fast Natman diet or how to lose weight quickly?
And precisely, its principle is to consume more and especially proteins. It is therefore a hyperproteinated rapid diet . During these 4 days, you are invited to exclude lipids and carbohydrates from your diet.
In order to make your fasting more efficient and quicker, make certain provisions that preserve your line, in this case do not snack between main meals. But, as you consume a lot of protein, your satiety is reduced. This helps to resist temptations.
Other rules to follow to complete your slimming program: you are allowed to consume vegetables. But you will eat them entirely. Then, follow the procedures proposed by this fast diet. Discipline will be your watchword to achieve your goal. Alcohol will also be banned from your program.
Do not plan to extend your diet beyond four days and never more than once a month, even if you want to lose weight fast or if you lose only 3 kilos because you have deviated from a rule. Failure to do so would be dangerous for your health.
Take advantage of it to reduce the amount of salt you consume without excluding it from your meals. In short, man or woman, this program is for you if you want to lose weight quickly and if you are able to show self-discipline.
On the other hand, the authors of the Natman regime remain anonymous. However, according to them, when you follow this type of slimming program, your body draws the necessary energy from the fat and sugar stores that your new diet mode does not provide. It is this main mechanism of action that favors your weight loss. In addition, since it is a hyperproteinized diet, it does not cause any muscle melting.
Tips to Successful Your Efficient and Easy Diet
For your diet to be truly effective, while reducing your frustration, adopt the right tips. First, behave normally, as if you were not doing a slimming diet. This is not to continually submit your thoughts to the idea that you adopt such a dietary mode. Then, have your meals at the table. Thus, you will be more posed and better disposed to chew slowly. Drink 1,5 L of water every day, because this type of diet has the peculiarity to favor mainly the loss of water and protein in all the tissues of the body, these being first solicited to fill the l spent energy during this rapid regime.
Also, you do not need to weigh yourself every morning. Remember that your diet lasts only four days and that it promises to make you lose 4 pounds, when you follow the recommendations to the letter. Another tip: cooking your meals, avoid pre-cooked dishes and as much as canned food.
Other practical tips to avoid a yoyo effect
In order to avoid regaining weight, here are other tips to follow from the time you do not adopt the suggested Natman after-diet tips. Limit yourself to 3 meals a day and avoid skipping a meal as much as possible, now that you are returning to a usual diet, learn to limit the amount of your food. Consume 25% fat, 50% carbohydrate and 15% protein. Then, eat more fiber, which promotes your digestion and assimilation through the intestines. Respect the recommended daily calorie intake according to your age and sex, a priori it is recommended not to exceed 2000 kcal for a woman and 2500 kcal for a man. Of course, during holidays or special occasions, a small gap is allowed. But learn to control your hunger so that the excesses are not frequent.
Opinion on the Natman diet
This diet is a boon for people who want to quickly get rid of 4 pounds in excess without dwelling on a long program slimming, at the risk of not reach their goal in the end. It owes its other appellation of regime of the hostesses of the air to this period of 4 days equivalent to the number of days of stopover which the latter take advantage between two flights. And these hostesses are well known for keeping a wasp waist and being fit all year round. In addition, this quick diet is primarily a method that simplifies your life. True, it is an express fast and fairly draconian, however, its results are fast and its foundations easy to apply. And to the extent that it lasts only four days, the sacrifices it imposes are more easily tolerable.
Important: As a last recommendation, if you have any medical history, consult a physician beforehand to ensure that the Natman diet program you are adopting is right for you.
Also note that this diet is not recommended in children and the elderly, pregnant women, diabetics as well as in people with gastrointestinal disorders.
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